

To All Qualified Electors in Summit Township

Notice is hereby given by resolution of Summit Township under authority granted in Public Act 81 of 2023, that the location of the Early Voting Site for all State and Federal Elections in Summit Township will be the following:

Custer Township Hall
1920 E US Hwy 10
Custer, MI  49405

All qualified electors in Summit Township shall be able to mark a ballot and cast the ballot in a tabulator beginning the second Saturday before an election and ending the Sunday before the election at the above-established early voting site for the following hours:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
8am – 4pm 8am – 4pm 8am – 4pm 8am – 4pm 8am – 4pm 8am – 4pm 8am – 4pm


If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Summit Township Clerk’s Office at (231) 843-0430 or [email protected].